Friday, 18 November 2011

The Hatchlings

Every now and then the Lord presents us with an out of the ordinary gift that makes us marvel anew at his wonderful creation.
The Karoo has a harsh, arid climate and yet I'm always blown away by the miracle of life, and the variety of creatures that make their homes in this stark land. Steenbok, aardvark, porcupines, meerkat, and dassies to name a few of the more common species. Beauty in the Karoo is more than skin deep. It's subtle and restrained. For this reason it's extra special. Vivid pink flowers growing on a dry thorn bush for example, dazzle us with their brilliance, and the ashy colour of Bosman grass shimmers like molten silver in the scorching sun. It 's an austere beauty that touches your soul, drawing you ever nearer to the creator.
On the next door farm there is a Kraans where pair of Black Eagles have been nesting for years. Every Summer we risk our lives leaning over the edge of the cliff to see the two baby chicks. There are always two, but only one survives. I've heard that the stronger chick eats it's weaker sibling. In nature nothing is wasted.
It was Sunday morning and we all had that lazy feeling one feels entitled to on a Sunday. By 9.00 am Anna and I were still lying in the big bed enjoying our morning cuddle, along with coffee and Milo. An hour later Jack insisted we get out of our pyjamas and come with him for a ride on the motorbike. He had something he wanted to show us.  Curiosity got the better of us, and dragging our heals a little we dressed and gathered the necessary sunglasses, caps and jackets for the ride.
Jack took us to Daintjie's Suiwer which is one of the  sheep camps on the farm. There at the top of a windmill was a large bird's nest, roughly constructed out of sticks. We climbed the ladder to have a peep and Oh what a precious sight. Four, baby raptor hatchlings snuggled together. What a privilege to see them so closely. They're  "adobarel," Anna commented with awe in her voice. And it was awesome. Our own little miracle. At that moment I felt as close to God, as I'll ever feel on this earth. God is Great, and I love it when he reveals his Greatness in little things.  Madam Brattex

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